New facade version of the Pink Club
New facade version of the Pink Club
To save quite a lot of memory, I cleaned out everything inside for the facade version of the club and added a gate/portal to be used when it's closed. It will not be visible in my soon upcoming movie show of the mens lodging. Well not the club at all will be visible other than just in the very first seconds, and then only as orientation point for the lodging house. I got a good shooting of my sequence without the club, but when I added it, my old computer got slow so I don't bother this time.?
Item statistics
- Type: screenshot
- Set: Workshop
- Visibility: Public
- Created: 11 months ago
- Modified: 11 months ago
- tags: Workshop, Pink Club, Pink Club rural resort
- ID: 9925738
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Use in Chathouse 3D
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