Tongue Out Tuesday 4 2 34
Tongue Out Tuesday 4 2 34
Hey Fleur here, it's a slow morning at the studio today and my assistant Kat and I were just sitting in my office checking out Twatter when we say a hashtag #TongueOutTuesday Well it was mostly people posting shots of their pets with their tongues hanging out but we both looked at each other and I knew we had the same idea.....So we both grabbed a stunstcock for pretty much the same type of shot of us jerking them off until they busted their nut on our waiting tongues.....Hmm I should have done like Kat did and aimed mine a bit better at my mouth?
Item statistics
- Type: screenshot
- Set: Reboot 2034
- Visibility: Public
- Created: 11 months ago
- Modified: 11 months ago
- tags: kat, meatloaf5k, reboot, fleur, the future
- ID: 9925710
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Use in Chathouse 3D
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