The Game
The Game
This is ment to be a show around of the now furnished barn at the Pink Club rural resort. And it surely is, but also with a story based on real events. It became of double length than I thought, but clearly under the 30 minutes mark. The titel refers to football, real football where feets are used and hands are forbidden, a game I'm a big fan of. And of course, if you also are a fan, it will increase the experience. But hope you like the movie anyhow. And the barn, which I'm very pleased with myself.?
Item statistics
- Type: movie
- Set: Movies along the progress of the rural resort
- Visibility: Public
- Created: 11 months ago
- Modified: 3 months ago
- tags: barn, dixie, noah van zeemen, wanda pekkarin, ivanhoe, steffen strong, eeva, the rural resort
- ID: 9913042
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