Eros and Psyche
Eros and Psyche
A Kind Word & A Gun Productions presents our 5th full length feature film. Originally started in 2018, we had to put it on hold for a few months in order to remaster our first 4 movies in HD. This movie follows the day-to-day work of psychiatrist (and single mother) Charlotte "Charlie" Coleman, a relationship and intimacy specialist, as she counsels her various patients with their own unique problems - including a brilliant but eccentric political strategist, a former female bodybuilding champion dealing with a serially unfaithful husband, and an ex-Marine with anxiety and anger management issues. This is an updated version with several audio mixing issues corrected.Item statistics
- Type: movie
- Set: Movies
- Visibility: Public
- Created: 1 year ago
- Modified: 2 months ago
- ID: 9384338
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