A Daughter of Cydaea (Archbishop Lazarus rewarded POV video) Diablo III

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A Daughter of Cydaea (Archbishop Lazarus rewarded POV video) Diablo III

The Daughters are a flock of Succubi that Cydaea, the Maiden of Lust and Mistress of Pain, holds dominion over. Often referring to them as her Daughters. It is one of these Succubi, called Jilaiya, that is gifted to the Archbishop Lazarus for bringing Prince Albrecht to him and possess him. So that the Lord of Terror might free his two imprisoned brothers, and once again wage war on both the Heavens and the Earth-(Sanctuary as it is called in the game and lore) #AssShotSaturday. P.S. Not actually an in game reward or achievement. :D
Briar27 Level 195 Offline |
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