My MILF Strip Club

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My MILF Strip Club

I wanted to personalize the MILF Strip Club room mod a bit so I changed the photos on the walls and added some humorous advertisement captions to each that fit the pics. I kept the "Support SIngle Mom's signs cause I liked those in it. I just added a bit of highlights to the text to make them pop a bit more. Then I made my very own business sign in neon lighting. The original @Masterom used had very scripted text and was hard to read. I wanted something cleaner looking that still showed dancers in neon lights. I added more dancers to the sign too. Pretty happy with how it turned out. The room itself is the same as he had made it. How do you like it? One day maybe I will learn how to make the entire place my own design. I just free-handed the camera since I just wanted to show the changes I made. I did add something extra though. LOL!
Briar27 Level 195 Offline |
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The only thing that separates fantasy from reality is how determined you are to chase after your dreams.


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