

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 24
  • Sign: Sagittarius
  • Occupation: teacher
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: logical
  • Base model: Maria
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Charlotte is a cute strawberry blonde who at first glance you might mistake for a ditzy young bimbo if you're the type to generalize based on looks. Actually, Charlotte possesses a genius-level IQ although she is a bit naïve and absent-minded at times. She is a whiz at mathematics and works as at Teaching Assistant at a university to help pay the bills for her doctorate studies. Beyond her scholarly pursuits, Charlotte has been fascinated by the world of internet porn since being introduced to it as an undergraduate by her nymphomaniac roommate. As she is naturally curious, her porn studies have awakened a sense of sexual adventurousness. In other words, she is willing to try almost any nasty little thing you can think of in the bedroom. Sounds like the perfect woman, right? However, many guys are intimidated by her brains. Some who can get past that are put off by her interpersonal skills (or lack thereof). Her quirky approach (to put it kindly) to social graces have been a bit of a handicap to her sex life, but if you can get past that then this little bookworm will show you that she can put the T&A in T.A.
alex_p_skeetin Level 154 Offline |
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I caught an aisle seat on a plane and drove an English teacher half insane


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