Kayla Monroe
- Gender: Frau
- Orientation: Bisexuell
- Nationality: England
- Age: 22
- Sign: Widder
- Occupation: Pornostar
- Relationship: single
- Personality: dominanter Typ
- Base model: Zoe
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She is 22 years old, size of 1.80 and is blonde and sexy. Ihe name is Kayla Monroe and comes from England. She knows it well use her body.She loves to take men where you want.?
Item statistics
- Type: model
- Set: Female Models
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 149
- Created: 1 decade ago
- Modified: 5 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- tags: blonde, model, pornstar, arrula, shadows of truth, kayla monroe
- ID: 589696
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