- Gender: Female
- Orientation: Hetro
- Nationality: France
- Age: 24
- Sign: Cancer
- Occupation: servant
- Relationship: single
- Personality: submissive
- Base model: Madison
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Meet Anette, she's a 24 year old french woman seeking a financial stable well being. She's often emplyeed as a private maid by high roller's and with her beauty and charm she use's these to establish connection's with people all over the country. She can be very sensitive and moody despite her intimidating appearance and once she imprint's on someone she like's she can be very shy. Very rarley will she approach someone unless she feel's comfortable around them but once you gain her trust she can be clingy and alway's relying on them for emotional support at time's. Once hurt though she tend's to withdraw and has a hard time recovering from it, she'll spend alot of her time trying to figure out what went wrong rather than talk thing's out making her very indecisive. All in all she's a very heartful individual who love's romance and on occasion will try new thing's just be gentle at first and not so rough she like's to take thing's slow before getting too rough. Hope you all enjoy her ^^?
Item statistics
- Type: model
- Set: Models
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 160
- Created: 1 decade ago
- Modified: 5 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- ID: 539578
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