Parody of Gillian Anderson as Agent Scully

Gillian Anderso

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Hetro
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 25
  • Sign: Pisces
  • Occupation: actor
  • Relationship: married
  • Personality: angel
  • Base model: Bella
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This is Gillian Anderson in her persona as Agent Dana Scully in the Tv Show X Files, of course here it would probably end up being XXX Files. From a photo of her in the 2nd season. Used face mate for the profile check. Ms Anderson was 24 when she got the role of Agent Dana Scully. The show ran from 1993 to 2002, 201 Episodes. Two movies were made 1993 and 2002. This model does not posess the mole just above her mouth on the left (your right). I noticed it was missing, but that would necesatate a special skin texture set for it, I did not think anyone would want to download one for that alone. I WAS WRONG!!! Many do want the complete look, see skin texture link in comments. Ray, (Main preview is NOW WITH the body texture AND the missing mole)
lagit38 Level 114 Offline
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