Lil Whooty Wednesday 11 7 2
Lil Whooty Wednesday 11 7 2
Normally for #WhootyWednsday I'd have some shots of some big butts, but since I've spent most of the day feeling like shit thanks to the constant weather changes, one day 70 the next in the 40's God damn it Mother Nature get on your menopause meds because these constant hot flashes are fucking me up.......Well any way I have instead a couple of shots of some small butts getting some nice sized dick in them, ya I know what a shock.......And lastly is petite Piper letting me her dear "Uncle" split that tiny ass?
Item statistics
- Type: screenshot
- Set: Piper
- Visibility: Public
- Created: 6 years ago
- Modified: 6 years ago
- tags: piper, meatloaf5k
- ID: 3932957
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