

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: Netherlands
  • Age: 29
  • Sign: Pisces
  • Occupation: dancer
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: exhibitionist
  • Base model: Madison
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Tessa came to GE City from The Netherlands. She is fun-loving, adventurous and ambitious. She knows her looks will, and have opened doors for her, and she has translated a lucrative contract at the Cronan Club into an investment into her career. Tessa's goal is to become a lawyer and is 6 months from writing her bar exam. She has an uncanny effect on people, they feel very comfortable with her and more often than not, share more with her than they would with someone else. Tessa is a fountain of knowledge into the underworld of GE City. She knows all of the players, large and small and knows what powerplays are about to be put into motion. She is street savvy and knows that secrets have power, but also knows that she has to be very discreet and protective of what she shares. Share with the wrong person, and it will be your undoing. Tessa remains single by choice for now, not being one who likes to limit her options.
dragonfyre Level 348 | Online |
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