

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: Switzerland
  • Age: 18
  • Sign: Libra
  • Occupation: adventurer
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: animalistic
  • Base model: Maya
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Liara-pheria is the daughter of Queen Stormpheria and sister to Princess Icepheria. When Queen Stormpheria gave birth, no one know she had twins. When the Queen struck by lightning,it changed Liara-pheria. She has white skin with spots which scared the King. He considered her to be a witch or abomination and had her based. While the King was frightened of Liara-pheria, he had her banished from Stonepheria. She was taken out to the forest to be executed. Suddenly the guards were attacked in the process of killing the young child. Days later the guards were found all slaughtered with no sign of the baby. The "Amazon Osiris Tribe" took the baby, knowing she was a gift from the gods. Legend says that an unusual child would once again lead the amazon people to their destiny. Years passed and the child was trained in the art of war. When she turned 16, she challenged the current amazon Queen to the right of leadership. Liara defeated and killed the Queen in a brutal battle. By the right of combat, she was crowned "Queen of the Osiris amazon tribe". No other amazons could match her skill in combat, which was the only way an amazon could become Queen. While the people of Stonepheria feared the amazon tribe, and considered them to be savage, they had no idea the amazon Queen was a decendent of the throne. The only living people who know that Liara-pheria was the daughter to the throne was Queen Stormpheria and Princess Edward. But how did Prince Edward know? For years Prince Edward would meet with Liara-pheria in the wild and spend nights with her. They traveled the land for weeks at a time together. Training, sight seeing, and enjoying the pleasures of one another. Prince Edward never told the Queen or Princess that he knew of Liara-pheria. Prince Edward continued his relationship with all 3 women and kept his secret from all three. What was his tie in to all 3 women, and what powers were Liara-pheria granted that she was unaware of? Or did she not let on to tell o
cry4dawn Level 73 Offline
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  • Type: model
  • Set: Public
  • Visibility: Public
  • Downloads: 234
  • Created: 1 decade ago
  • Modified: 5 years ago
  • Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
  • tags: liara-pheria
  • ID: 268800
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