Sodomy Sunday Gin Gets Mamba d
Sodomy Sunday Gin Gets Mamba d
Hey Gin here, so Mom is out of town, Dad's over at Kat's place and Aunt Becca is still recovering from the pounding Dad gave her on Friday.....So I snuck into the studio to do a #SodomySunday shoot.....I figured that since Dad and Uncle Alex were testing the elasticity of Kat's butthole I would test mine by taking Dad's friend Mr. G's massive coco in mine, Oh that would be Kenny aka @Str8Nemesis I think I've been watching to many Dreadd anal videos lately because.....Um next time I want to try this someone show me this shot so that I remember that This shit hurts......He's not even half way in and he's about to rip my ass in half?
Item statistics
- Type: screenshot
- Set: Multiversal Gin
- Visibility: Public
- Created: 2 weeks ago
- Modified: 2 weeks ago
- tags: gin, meatloaf5k, multiverse
- ID: 10420406
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Use in Chathouse 3D
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