prologue 8
prologue 8
To us he was the Arch Traitor, to them, he was the Dark Lord, to anyone today, he is the reason any of us are even alive. An elf of unknown name and origin stole from our greatest library and stole off into the wasteland and united the Orcs. The last years of the war were terrible, power crazed elven mages tried to re-awaken the Cataclysm to cleanse the world of everything but elves, and the Dark Lord sacrificed everything to stop them. They sacrificed a dwindling people for their own power and glory, and elves and orcs died in the thousands. Thousands that could not be replaced...?
Item statistics
- Type: screenshot
- Set: Slaves of Ellyria Return
- Visibility: Public
- Created: 1 month ago
- Modified: 2 weeks ago
- tags: fantasy, skar123
- ID: 10390214
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