That Night Tammy Barly Passt The Test

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That Night Tammy Barly Passt The Test

Officer Tammy barely passed the test and now she is waiting to find out what her first rank will be. She had only been two years out of the police academy, and the year before she had failed the test, throughout that whole year she had been studying for the test with her brother Detective Frank, and then Officer Larry taught her on to prove her mind by doing brain exercises and memorization skills on improving her mind so that she would be able to pass the test with ease. As the day progresses Jean finds one of her employees in the café just sitting there Cheldon Jr. was in for a surprise when Jean cot him.
woodie2 Level 69 Offline |
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  • Type: movie
  • Set: Public
  • Visibility: Public
  • Created: 8 months ago
  • Modified: 8 months ago
  • tags: cop series
  • ID: 9802030