The Dream Walker

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The Dream Walker

there are supernatural beings that exist in a parallel dimension. We cross into their plane of existence when we dream, and sometimes, though rarely, we can run into these beings within our dreams. Though it is hard to say how often this actually occurs, because a Dream Walker can disguise itself and appear to us as a human. It is said that seeing a Dream Walker in it's true form is a terrifying sight to see, and will awaken anyone who witnesses it. Legend has it, that a Dream Walker has to have full control over itself to maintain it's disguise, and any flash of emotion or loss of self control can cause it to lose its mask. there are some who claim to have once been Dream Walkers themselves. They say that a Dream Walker can become a human, or a human a Dream Walker, but there must always be an even exchange, 1 for 1.
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  • Type: movie
  • Set: Full Videos
  • Visibility: Public
  • Created: 1 decade ago
  • Modified: 5 years ago
  • tags: mp4
  • ID: 740720
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