

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: Japan
  • Age: 22
  • Sign: Scorpio
  • Occupation: security guard
  • Relationship: attached
  • Personality: perfectionist
  • Base model: Maya
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Inoe grew up as a poor girl in the suburbs of Kobe until she gets involved into the Koikin Kumi, a powerful Yakuza Clan, her dedication and fighting skills lead her to become the Wakagashira -the personal assistant and first lieutenant- of her Oyabun whom she adores and values more than her own life. Being highly intelligent and disciplined, she poses as her personal attached secretary when the Kumi deals with the outside world; on dangerous deals she is also her fierce bodyguard skilled in martial arts and firearms. In combat she might display a pair of Golden Magnums .357 that she handles in both hands, unvaluable gifts from her beloved master, granted years ago as a reward for having saved his life during a sour negociation. Also secretly trained in Ninjutsu, her Oyabun trusts her-and her only- when he needs recover classified informations from secured companies or assassinate subtly annoying rivals. She wears around her left nipple the Blue Dragon tattoo circling her nipple, pierced with the Tetsusakuru, the Ring of Iron enforcing her painful devotion to her Oyabun, claiming that her Heart, Body and Soul are forever devoted to her master's whims, claiming that even pain and death at his hands are a bliss and an honor… And yes, with a snap of the fingers from her Oyabun, she instantly changes into the most submissive female ready to fulfill his every fantasy…or share the bed of any man or woman he designates, whether as a bribe, a reward or an unexpected assassination within the heat of an incredible orgasm…
Bateleur Level 45 Offline
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