Police files 3

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Police files 3

Red Sun Armaments "If it shoots we have it, cash only!" Based in South Africa Red Sun Armaments is a arms company on paper but better known as the Merchants of Death on the street. We've been hunting them for years but each time the organization just reappears under a new name. They mostly produce hunting rifles on the public market but behind the scenes they are one of the most largest arms wholesaler and we suspect the Chairman's Africa operations are run through it. Whether it's old soviet stocks or NATO leftovers if it shoots they have it and they'll even throw in some free ammo. It's currently under new management: Erika Maia. Her father's a Portuguese Expat, got involved with the wrong people in Angola, Him and his wife ended up hung like pigs in a shack, hacked to death by machetes. Erika fled to Portugal afterwards, lived a rather uninteresting lifestyle but here's the thing. She fell off the grid one year and ended up back in Angola at the head of Red Sun. Word on the street is the wave of assassinations were her doing and we suspect so as all of the victims were involved with her family's death. The woman in the middle: Asiya; she's a well known corporate spy. Infamous in the private sector, her family ties allow her usual access to the who's who. She's a very public person, doesn't cover her tracks too well although we suspect it's done on purpose, to what gain is unknown but she's one of our best links into the chairman case. The female on the left is Ashira Eze, better known as the "Merchant of Death". She's wanted in many countries for various offenses and considered very dangerous. For someone who's wanted she doesn't do a good job staying low, almost every big deal they make she'll be there herself to make the transaction. Do not engage directly, we tried taking her in a few times and each time led to a bloodbath. While it is important to close their operations we cannot find anyway to link them to the chairman as his forces are made up of most


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  • Type: screenshot
  • Set: Enemies Series
  • Visibility: Public
  • Created: 1 decade ago
  • Modified: 6 years ago
  • tags: police
  • ID: 598086
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