RM - Newsroom - LER Studios Reloaded
A different version of my LER Studios. This one has higher resolution photos, removed cameras, cups, tables and other misc items and I changed around the floor and ceiling to more properly reflect LER Style. Enjoy! All artwork in this location is Nemain Ravenwood. If your system has issues handling the textures in this version I suggest you try the original. Original Lower Res Version: http://www.gamerotica.com/share/view/texture/517962-rm-newsroom-ler-studios Also I'm really pushing the limits of what the engine can use resolution wise so if anyone starts getting Out of Memory error's when using my Locations please LET ME KNOW! That will be an indication that I've gone to far with the resolutions for some people.
Item statistics
- Type: texture
- Set: Public
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 256
- Created: 1 decade ago
- Modified: 5 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- tags: zentai2000, studio
- ID: 547518
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