Danny Temp ME Model


  • Gender: Male
  • Orientation: Hetro
  • Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Age: 47
  • Sign: Taurus
  • Occupation: manager
  • Relationship: divorced
  • Personality: dominant
  • Base model: Justin
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Never thought about uploading my ME model but a lovely lady asked me about it so, not being one to disappoint a sexy woman, here I am. I am an over the hill 47 year old pro who loves sex and sexiness and who likes to be in charge in the bedroom. Have fun!
thisisatemp Level 182 Offline |
I'm: I'm looking for:  
Racing to get my stories told, my heroines on top (!) & Sara happy in her realm of fantasy. Don't stop me now!


Item statistics

  • Type: model
  • Set: My Models
  • Visibility: Public
  • Downloads: 16
  • Created: 1 decade ago
  • Modified: 6 years ago
  • Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
  • tags: danny temp me model
  • ID: 480208
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