987PR Face02 Laugh Lines


This should look good with the base Thrixxx skin mod, my 7 Min Abs mod, or any skin texture that doesnt deviate too far from the color of the original Thrixxx texture. One thing that has stymied things like this is what in the heck to call it! Per the wise and all-knowing Internet, the line between the cheek and mouth is 'Nasolabial Fold' (sexy!)... I went with Laugh Lines instead... For the sake of providing a complete set, the body here is a variant... Let's call it 3 minute abs. Like 7 Minute Abs, or the various muscle textures, this is shading to give the impression of a 3D shape, it's not a new shape / mesh... So if you zoom to 500%, ummm, yeah... Its still a plain old smooth cheek. ) As the name suggests, I have a few similar ideas, and did a cleft chin a while back. I figure this is useful to add a little variety to our models and used this one on my Kate Beckinsale models. Feedback is always appreciated! Have Fun!

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