Erika Faulk


  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 39
  • Sign: Aries
  • Occupation: librarian
  • Relationship: divorced
  • Personality: sensitive
  • Base model: Ginny
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Until about a month ago, the now former Erika Blom had a good life: stable, work as a librarian, married, and comfortable. Then she walked in on her college professor husband schtupping one of his students. In a rage, she filed for divorce, a prospect that her husband seemed all too enthusiastic about. Erika should have been suspicious, because her lawyer came back with some bad news: she had signed a prenuptial agreement fifteen years ago. One that was iron clad and clear: she could only walk away with what she outright owned such as her clothes. Feeling defeated, she took a few weeks off of from her job to move her possessions into a storage unit and began couch surfing with her friends and going by her maiden name: Erika Faulk. However, things already seem to be turning around, because she has already cancelled her storage unit and found a more permanent living arrangement. She seems happy for the first time in a month, and rumor has it that her new benefactor is a little less than half of her 39 years…
subatomicweasel Level 135 Offline |
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Please don't invite me to chathouse or try to cyber with me. I'm happily married and not interested.

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