

  • Gender: Frau
  • Orientation: Homosexuell
  • Nationality: England
  • Age: 26
  • Sign: Stier
  • Occupation: Coach
  • Relationship: in festen Händen
  • Personality: Traditionalist
  • Base model: Adelina
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Kathy is the type of girl, which prefers to go for a beer instead of an expensive dinner. Most of her friends are men. She is incredibly funny, authentic and has a lot of interests in getting to know new people. Born in Bournemouth, England, she learned how to drink like a real English person is supposed to do. Invite her for an outside party or a somewhere else. And no worries, you won't fail to entertain her, since she isnt the "small little girl" eveyone wants her to be. Show her, that you are different!
xZelda Level 87 Offline |
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Nostalgic with something that never happened.


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