Serena Lopez

Serena Lopez

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: Argentina
  • Age: 28
  • Sign: Gemini
  • Occupation: police
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: competitor
  • Base model: Sugar
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Serena was orphaned when she was 11 years old. She was the only survivor of her family that were killed in a car accident which claimed her mother and father as well as her twin sister. Once she was released from the hospital, she was placed in a foster home, since her only family lived in Argentina. Serena held a lot of anger, guilt and sadness which exhibited itself in a constant rebellion. She was very trying to those who looked after her, and as a result was transferred from one foster home, to another for the first three years.This changed when she entered into the foster care of the Lopez family.The father's name was Lucas and the Mother's name was Sofia. They had a son and daughter of their own, but welcomed Serena into their home. Lucas was new onto the Police Force in GE City and provided stability and guidance into Serena's life once again. She resisted for the first year, but she found that she was not going to be passed on to another home, when both Lucas and Sofia fully adopted her. Her studies improved and she excelled in sports winning her a scholarship to G.E.U. She majored in Criminology and once attaining her degree, joined the GE City Force as well. Her mentor was a 7 year vet on the force by the name of Dragon Fyre. They were partners for 3 years before he quit to pursue Bounty Hunting. Serena excelled in marksmanship which opened up doors for her on the SWAT Team. She now doubles as an Instructor to New Recruits, while maintaining active status on the Team. Serena is sometimes serious, but has a good sense of humor and likes to have fun. She had her first same sex affair while in college, but has since found that her tastes can go either way. She is addicted to working out each day which allows her to eat and drink what she wants to most of the time. She has one tattoo on her shoulder of a Phoenix, which she feels parallels her life. Rising from the ashes, a force to be reckoned with.
dragonfyre Level 347 | Online |
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