Once Veleda used to be a princess. Everything included. A huge estate with grounds, garden, woods; innumerable gold, the softest clothes; only finest food and best wine. However, you can't buy everything with coin and so it happened that Veleda really wasn't born a beauty.
She wasn't in shape at all, straw hair, bad figure, crooked teeth, ugly face.. And unfortunately that's the only thing expected of a princess: being pretty, not ugly.
She was never seen as who she was. Everyone avoided contact with her. Even for her parents she was the second choice for it is even worse having a beautiful younger sister. Always, even the smallest attention and recognition was stolen from her and given to her sister while she was just some kind of unwanted shadow the family had to drag behind.
As she reached marriageable age, it quickly became clear there's not a hint of a chance for her finding any husband - and this, as the princess of a rich family, turns you ultimately useless. Princesses eventually should marry, forming strong alliances with other families.
The whole thing finally culminated in an absolute disaster when her younger sister took her place, got engaged, and was about to inherit the kingdom which actually should have belonged to her.
When her mother even threatened to lock her in jail if she didn't agree because she 'endangered the family's continuance', Veleda felt ultimately rejected.
She traded her eyesight for beauty with a dark forbidden ritual.
Now she can't see our physical world anymore - and she cries blood instead of tears. By drinking a mixture of her bloody tears and blood of other beings, she's able to look into past and future, able to predict their destiny and, depending on the blood's power, even manipulate it. She secretly seized the blood of her parents, royal one, drank, and prophesied the death of her entire cruel family, 'til the very last one. She ran away.. three months later, the tower on which her sister married broke down during the wedding and the entire family and all guests crashed into the depths.
Now she has a perfect beautiful body and although she can't see anything,
her eyes still work pretty well under an exclusive circumstance. She detests reflective things, water surfaces and most of all mirrors - her eyes only work when she sees herself - and of course she looks into her former ugly face then.