

  • Gender: Frau
  • Orientation: Bisexuell
  • Nationality: Deutschland
  • Age: 24
  • Sign: Wassermann
  • Occupation: Krankenschwester
  • Relationship: verheiratet
  • Personality: Engel
  • Base model: Maya
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Sabrina is called "The white angel" in the hospital and everyone knows why she is calling like that. Always friendly, always kind. Can she be really mad and angry? Nobody knows, and even in... other things she must be very special. Sabrina is a nurse and married, but there are rumors that not everything is going well there. It's a matter of fact that Sabrina is "nursing around" with a lot of other people in the hospital. For example she spend a lot of time together with Reiko, a student from japan working in the office from the hospital. Reiko is only intressted into girls and hopes for something more, but Sabrina is just curious and want to have some fun. Some people said, they are already together, but on the paper this is not really true. One day Sabrinas husband was coming home when Reiko and Sabrina was playing around a little bit (...and it was not Monopoly). "We was just warming up and waiting for you..." Good when a husband belive that lies and Reiko was joining in, just to save Sabrinas ere... *** Sabrina was the first model, I ever created. She was online many years, but it was time to give her a re-upload with better preview pictures, nice clothes, a story and I also fixed her nose a little bit. Everything on her is standart stuff, you just need the clothes or you dress her up with something else. ***
Randamaster Level 135 Offline
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