Katie O Malley

Katie O'Malley

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 18
  • Sign: Pisces
  • Occupation: college student
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: giver
  • Base model: Cindy
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Katie is a beautiful young college freshman whose sweet and innocent exterior hides a filthy, ravenous whore underneath. Her looks help her get out of trouble with professors and security personnel who can't believe she would ever do something bad. Katie generally comes across as quiet and laid back, although she has been known to get giggly around guys she's attracted to once they start with the lame pick-up lines (she finds them very funny as they are often stupid). She loves wearing pantyhose, especially the full type, because of the way they feel on her skin.
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