Electric Mist

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Electric Mist

So yeah, well, my new favourite dynamic duo - @Cronan and Mindy ‘why don’t I get a f@#kin’ hashtag’ Minton were out investigating something at Dirthack’s new campsite location. For some inexplicable reason Mindy was in a sexy dress that is totally inappropriate for searching a wooded area…Cronan went for a more pragmatic outfit from the very talented (and missed) Seth7324Cain. Both are, as they say ‘packing heat’ (care of Mclain Firearms Inc). Suddenly, in true B Movie style the whole area was enveloped by a cold, clammy shroud-like mist from which there emerged several zombie-clones dressed in Civil War era outfits and, before your very eyes, a TOTW screenshot is born. Meanwhile our intrepid heroes wonder how a shot so panoramic in scope will look in the square preview pane ***ME in the previews does not refer to me but Cronan's ME***

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