

  • Gender: Mann
  • Orientation: Heterosexuell
  • Nationality: U.S.A.
  • Age: 24
  • Sign: Wassermann
  • Occupation: Student
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: Duckmäuser
  • Base model: Mamoru
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This is Nerd, he is a very shy guy and not very successful with women. He had one or two girlfriends in life, but as you can imagine, far away from our sexy models here on thrixxx. So he is spending most of time masturbating and wishes that his cock would be just a little bit bigger. So he ordered on the Internet some pills from China, which were promising a significant size increase of the Penis. What then happended you can see in the movie "Who got the bigger cock". Maybe you will also give a chance, at least once in a while, to play with your sexy Girls, no lets put like this - they will play with him.
MrGreen69 Level 120 Offline
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