

Hey there, fuckers!
Have you seen anything that you like in my locations? Would you like to have it?
Now you can with the new copy/paste function between rooms.
Not only you can copy any object from one of your rooms to another, now you can also copy from anybody's room as well.

So I built a location where you can pick up and use the stuff I share.
All objects are grouped, optimised in texture size, transparencies and levels.
Hope you will appreciate it.

#BETAsuggestions #betarooms #RoomModding #RoomEditor #Roomedit_development #universalobjects #tutorial #SiteHelpTipsAndTricks #SiteTipsandTricks #tipsandtricks #howto #Roomedit

  • Genius!!!! and all the things you make are amazing dude!! Great work

    created by BenFranklin 4 years ago Who liked this?


How does it work?
1 Send me a PM so we can arrange a room editor session.
2 Accept my invitation and choose the objects that you like in my rooms
3 Let me copy the object(s) using the "copy to buffer" function
4 Exit the room and enter yours in room editor
5 Invite me so I can paste the copied stuff using the "Insert from buffer" function
... and you are done!

#BETAsuggestions #betarooms #RoomModding #RoomEditor #Roomedit_development #universalobjects #tutorial #SiteHelpTipsAndTricks #SiteTipsandTricks #tipsandtricks #howto #Roomedit

NEW FEATURES #RoomEditor (1)

Hello thriXXXsters!
You have no idea how hard the developers are working to bring us new goodies...
Today I'd like to introduce you the multiselection feature.

Left click + CTRL to select all the objects you want to control together. The last object you select will be the one where the manipulators will appear.
With keys W, E and R you can use the manipulators like on any other single object. With the last update you can now also change all the other parameters and type numerical values or paste links to textures and they will be applied to all the objects at the same time.

Follow my stream and the hashtag #RoomEditor to keep updated on new features and tutorials.

#BETAsuggestions #betarooms #RoomModding #RoomEditor #Roomedit_development #universalobjects #tutorial #SiteHelpTipsAndTricks #SiteTipsandTricks #tipsandtricks #howto #Roomedit

  • With all due respect but this seems like a small update to me. Selecting multiple objects has always been possible, so the only real change is allowing customization to apply to all selected. Which, from a programmers perspective, isn't that big of a deal. At most one foreach loop

    created by ZenMaster3D 4 years ago Who liked this?
  • It is a small update indeed, but very welcome. Now, you can change several parameters on multiple objects with no need to repeat the actions for all of them. It's very time saving especially if you build big!

    created by IuliusCaesar 4 years ago Who liked this?

  • if I group all the things in the room, will the room have the same power as one universal object the size of a room, without the separate parts colliding, because everything in the room becomes one object?

    created by malamoja 4 years ago Who liked this?
  • View all comments(-3)

NEW FEATURES #RoomEditor (2)

Hey there, did you know we got a grouping feature in Room editor now?

"Group Objects" will allow you to make different objects stick together. Select all of them then right click and choose "Group Objects": now every time you click on one of them you will select them all. You can revert the action by selecting "Ungroup Objects". Shortcut for this is "CTRL + G".

Follow my stream and the hashtag #RoomEditor to keep updated on new features and tutorials.

#BETAsuggestions #betarooms #RoomModding #RoomEditor #Roomedit_development #universalobjects #tutorial #SiteHelpTipsAndTricks #SiteTipsandTricks #tipsandtricks #howto #Roomedit

NEW FEATURES #RoomEditor (3)

Ladies and wankers, proudly introducing 2 new features in Room Editor you can find by right clicking on any object!

"Rotate Space" allows you to choose whether rotation manipulators will refer to the object itself like if it was on a gimbal or to the location (local).

"Copy to buffer" will copy the selection into a temporary buffer. You can exit your location and enter another one in room editor and you will be able to paste your selection into the new room you just entered... even if that's a friend's location! Cool, right?

Follow my stream and the hashtag #RoomEditor to keep updated on new features and tutorials.

#BETAsuggestions #betarooms #RoomModding #RoomEditor #Roomedit_development #universalobjects #tutorial #SiteHelpTipsAndTricks #SiteTipsandTricks #tipsandtricks #howto #Roomedit

#SiteHelpTipsAndTricks #SiteTipsandTricks #PinkElephant #ThriXXXSurvivalGuide

ThriXXX Survival Guide- Chat: Private Messaging (PM): Etiquette and Considerations

It is considered polite to establish a rapport with a member by making one or more appropriate comments on a member's work and/or posts before contacting a member directly. It is not recommended that you attempt to CHAT with a member who has already indicated that they do not want to converse with you. Also, please respect the stated preferences of the member you are messaging; these preferences are usually contained in a member's About Me pane of their member page. Not everyone is looking for a relationship, commitment, bdsm, etc., but some are, so check first, and, if in doubt, ask.

Consider the volume and frequency of your CHAT submissions. Try to get a sense of how much and how often a member would like to hear from you privately. Consider the tone of your messages; some things come across differently when written than when spoken.

When another member is Online and in your Active chat, consider that you may not be the only one with whom that member is actively chatting. Also consider that a member may be in a game or browsing the web while in Active chat. These and related factors can lead to lag time in between responses in Active chat, so do not expect quick or consistent responses in CHAT.

Take care that you do not accidentally use "Enter" to try to create spaces in your text etc., as "Enter" will cause whatever you have in your CHAT bar to submit or post. Also, take care to pay close attention to which Active chat you have open currently on your page; Active chats are not stable as you open/switch to new tabs- indeed, tabbing will usually result in a random automatic cycling through your Active chat(s). Avoid minimizing your browser while in an Active chat; you will almost certainly miss messages and you will not get a notification sound.

Consider that not everyone speaks your native language. It is recommended that you use as simple language as possible in CHAT. Using a translator like Google Translate may be helpful for speech which is not very complicated.

Finally, it is recommended that you occasionally check all your Active chat(s) just to make sure you did not miss anything. Remember, Chat Sounds is very unreliable.

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