CuckyLoser posted on BethYouno's XStream

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deep love for beautiful Miss Beth

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Hello guys,

Elsa and I wish you a hot night, rich in caresses, dildo or sex with someone you like 😉

#childhoodheroesandprincess #Disney #hentai #Dildo #gif #hot #sextoy #saturday #sunday #night #PornGif #Sex #oralsex #coït

Agent O: Max

Osa hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her white panties and tugged them down past her hips to let them slip to her ankles.
She stepped naked into the shower of her hotel room and turned on the welcome spray of water.
As she paused to wait for the water to heat up she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.
Just over five feet, she was a dark skinned, long limbed beauty in excellent physical condition. Her stomach was nigh on flat, her breasts sat high on her chest, and her backside and thighs were taut and firm. She studied her shaved mound with the puffy labia and decided it looked fine.
Secret agent Osa smiled to herself. In her undercover role for the Service she posed as an on-line porn star. And a very good one. If she ever left the Agency she thought, she might very well make a successful career in the adult movie business.
"Not bad, not bad at all."
The sound of her room door being unlocked and opened was dulled by the sound of the hot water which cleansed her ebony body.
As she hummed to herself, she failed to hear the soft footfalls of three men dressed all in black enter the room.
As she stepped out of the shower, Osa padded naked into the main room and fussed with her short cropped hair with a towel.
"Hah!" Yelped one of the intruders in a heavy accent.
Too late, the secret agent saw a figure out of the corner of her eye throw a length of rope over her head and pull tightly to pin her arms to her sides.
As she struggled, three others stood before her, each armed with MP-443 high capacity, semi automatic pistols. Commonly used by the Russians.
"Ey, ty!"
The man closest to her held up his gun and squeezed the trigger, the fitted suppressor muffling the shot. At the exact same time, Osa dipped her head and the one behind her got it in the face.
Still bound tightly at the elbows, she quickly kicked out her left leg and her foot connected with the shooters groin.
She leapt up onto the sofa in the middle of the room and slammed her feet into the other two. Right in their faces.
With tits bouncing, Osa turned her back to the first shooter who got up slowly and gave him a back kick with the heel of her right foot.
He was thrown back onto a chair and he crashed into it, splintering the wood.
Another muted shot fired and she dove over the back of the sofa and rolled onto her feet.
She twisted to her left as the two formidable attackers came barrelling towards her.
Two swift kicks to their balls and they both dropped like stones.
As all three groaned and held their privates, Osa threw the rope off of her arms and composed herself.
With careful aim she gave each powerful punches into their windpipes, resulting in both making gurgling noises as they crumpled to the floor
She calmly brushed down her bare body and picked up one of the discarded pistols.
Little did her assailants know that she had a 1st-kyu brown belt in Karate.
"Dasvidaniya, losers."
"Don't do it, Osa."
Osa snapped her head up at the sight of Max and Eve standing side by side by the door.
Eve looked at her with a desperate look in her doe like eyes, and Max with a smug grin. Osa gripped the pistol tightly in her hand as she stood naked as the day she was born with no vestige of modesty.
Max held out his left hand in which, Eve saw, was a black object of about five inches rested in his palm.
"This is a simple detonator. If I flick the switch, a very tiny, but very effective explosive device will detonate. This device is at this moment secreted in the vulva of Eve. Ever see a pussy explode? No, me neither. I imagine it might be a bit icky. So I suggest you lay down the weapon."
"How on earth did you find me?" Replied Osa as she dropped the gun obediently. Max took a long look at the leggy black temptress and licked his full lips.
"Tie these up."
Max threw down a number of lengths of corded rope with which Osa bound the intruders hands behind their backs. With the help of Max they deposited them all in the extra room.
"Now, my dear Eve. Please strip off."
Eve slipped out of her dress and stood alongside Osa. Both now equally stark naked.
Max scraped two wooden chairs across the carpet and placed them back to back.
"I would do as he says, Osa. He's a ruthless bastard."
Both women sat, so that the backs of their heads touched.
Max knelt down before Eve and unceremoniously probed her snatch and withdrew the small condom. The contents of which was the explosive substance.
"Uniquely effective, and undetectable."
As he spoke he meticulously tied them together with knotted cords. Their arms were pinned back to such an extent that their bosoms were made to thrust out. He strapped their ankles to the front legs of the chairs at such an angle that their thighs were parted enough to display their unshielded mons.
Max leered at the bound pair of secret agents and smoothed out his moustache.
"Well. Don't you two look a pretty picture. Pity I have to make either one of you provide me with just one little titbit of intel."
"Go to hell!"
"Probably will. Eve here will tell you that I have some pretty persuasive means of extracting information. Ain't that right, babe?"
Eve clamped her thighs tight shut at the memory of the so called persuasive means.
Twelve hours earlier.
"Check this out, Eve. I've already assembled the machine. Took me five minutes! We call it the Cunt-riper. I'm not a torturer by nature, but we need information."
"Who's we?"
Eve had slowly regained consciousness after being drugged by the CIA operative Max. At first she thought she was upside down, but it gradually dawned on her that she was bound and naked, face down on some kind of narrow, four feet long leather bondage bench. Her wrists and ankles were tied to each of the four sturdy legs with leather restraining straps. Unable to move an inch, Eve was putty in the bastard's hands. She was very conscious of the fact that her ass and pussy were totally exposed.
Were they still in his hotel room in Valletta?
"Oh, I'm with SHADE now, baby. They pay more by the hour than the CIA."
"SHADE? But, they're finished."
"Diminished, but not defeated. That little octopus just won't go away. With Blofeld gone they got reorganized. The new number One been doing some recruiting along the way. And here I am. Now. Let's get down to business. Somewhere in Malta is the Black Vulture. I know it. YOU know it. Just tell me where it is and we can all go home."
"What's a Black Vulture? You looking to steal some bird eggs?"
For that Eve earned a back handed slap across her left cheek.
"Look, I'm not one for cutting off fingers and toes and shit. Can't stand the sight of blood. SHADE got all kinds of interesting torture techniques going on. I like this one. You ever think someone can be fucked to death?"
"You're sick."
"Who really knows. This beauty is set on two solid but adjustable legs, with a rotating arm and motor. The twelve inch silicon dildo sits in this vac-u-loc hole in the base. It has a half hp motor which delivers plenty of thrust with a torque of 40 lbs. The remote control fits right here. Top speed is 240 thrusts a minute. Someone tells me that is four a second. Think you can hold out for thirty minutes? It will turn your pussy to mush."
With a little trepidation, Eve cocked her head to look at the metal contraption and gulped. Was it really possible for, no. Best not to even think about it. She had been trained in different interrogation techniques, but this was totally out of left field.
"The shaft has ridges and veins just like real. And will you get a look at that fucking head? Holy shit? It's just like a real horse! In your wildest fantasies you never got fucked by a bigger dick. I hit you over the head with it you're toast. All I want is one little thing."
"Get stuffed!"
"Cute. No, Eve. YOU get stuffed."
Behind her, Eve heard Max position the obscene looking fuck machine until the huge head of the silicon sex toy was aligned with her pussy entrance.
The brave secret agent steeled herself at the physical contact of the bloated tip on her pussy lips and she fought vainly against the straps that held her in place.
"Call me soft, but I lubed the dildo up for you."
She heard the machine come to life with a low hum, and the horse head opened her petals slowly and popped inside her muff. Max looked on intently as the huge bulbous head became hidden by her stretched out folds.
Once inside, Max flipped his remote and watched the dildo push in and draw out. Eve began to pant and whimper under her breath as the viscous shaft of the toy oiled up her cunt. The dildo slid in and out and Eve felt herself penetrated like never before. Every inch, every tiny nub and bump on the realistic looking false cock throbbed maddeningly in her cunt.
Having had the best training as a secret agent, Eve could do nothing but accept the situation and hope to ride out the worst. She shook her head and tried to focus on something else besides the constant hum if the machine, but the tangible motion of the dildo filling her cunt was impossible to shut out of her mind.
Eve clamped her thighs to the bench and bit the corner of her lip as Max increased the strokes of the robust arm. He managed to alter the long and smooth action to that of shorter jerky motions that sent Eve into waves of a guilty elation.
The thing doubled it's speed, and as it grew faster, so the more louder it became. Eve moaned non stop now as the fat head pumped her wet pussy with a merciless and persistent insertion.
Within five minutes, Eve was on the cusp of an orgasm.
She attempted to raise her ass, just a little to give her some slight respite, but this proved impossible.
Her eyes glistened and her whole body trembled under the unflagging assault. The cords in her neck were taut with tension as spasm after spasm gripped her in an odd ecstasy.
"I'm going to...to...cum!"
Eve's cunt tightened as her climax erupted, and STILL it kept on fucking her. Her outstretched frame jiggled on the soft leather surface of the leather bench, which was now slippery from her perspiring naked body.
There was no way she could concentrate on anything else but the wicked thrusting of the machine.
"Max. I thought we were. That you and I."
"What. You and me? Nah! Feel like talking yet?"
"Stop this thing!"
There was a hint of desperation in her voice as the thrusting changed up to a long and steady pounding inside of her creamy cunny.
Her hands bunched up into fists as Eve was screwed at an alarming rate.
Waves of guilty pleasure gripped her as the implacable machine burrowed deep inside her cunt.
"Max, please."
Her eyes widened as Max appeared in front of her, stripped naked and sporting his thick erection with the purple hued crown that flared out over his ebony shaft.
He stroked it with great care as Eve let out squeals and grunts as she was inexorably driven to her second climax.
She gulped and sucked in air as her pussy sloshed from her juices and the thick lubricant.
Then it stopped.
Dazed and dizzy, Eve choked as Max removed the dildo and fingered her gaping pussy.
"Fuck, you're soaked. You know I can keep this up all day. Can you hold out is the question."
Before she could respond her voice was muffled by his stiff dick being rammed into her drooling mouth.
His sweaty groin jammed against her as he sadistically face fucked her.
Her lips slid along his pulsing black rod as he worked it back and forth.
Her mouth was wet and warm. His cock was hard and salty.
His hands gripped the sides of her head as Eve inhaled through her nostrils. Snot and spit poured out as he rhythmically drove in to bump the back of her throat.
Max chuckled as he jammed his helmet down her throat until she could barely breathe, and then pulled back out. He began a series of shallow strokes in and out of her aching jaw, and then stopped.
"Gah! Nearly came then. Still. Back to work, eh?"
Again the horse head sex toy teased open her folds and entered her super wet pussy.
The machine hummed into life and drilled in and out of the plucky secret agent with mighty thrusts.
Her juices oozed out of her overworked cunny and Max was amused to see tiny bubbles form out of her spasming pussy.
With her eyes shut tight the only sound in the room was the buzzing of the machine motor. Countless vibrations shot through her loins as Eve was driven into a sexual ecstasy as yet another humiliating, yet desirable orgasm blossomed and rocked her boat.
Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! C...cumming!"
Eve screamed as the formidable machine kept on going regardless, whipping her cunt into a creamy froth.
Her face leaned on the bondage bench as every last ounce of strength began to drain from her.
"Any time now. You can't hold on much longer."
"You...you expect me to talk?"
"No, Eve. I expect you to die. From multiple orgasms!"
The dildo continued to pump in and out of her overstimulated pussy and her body was wracked by further convulsions, and another brain shattering orgasm.
Her sweat drenched body dripped onto the floor beneath the bench as she jerked in the throes of another unabated climax.
"Can't take it. "Can't take much more!"
Max sighed as he turned up the speed to maximum.
'You poor, deluded bitch!"
Eve lurched in her bonds as the arm of the machine became a blur.
The machine thrummed as the dildo hammered into her at super speed.
Lubricant and her cum trickled down the insides of her thighs and her leg muscles and tendons stood out as they became taut with the tension.
After numerous orgasms, Eve has never experienced the like before. Her pussy had never seen such indescribable sexual gratification.
"No more! No...more! I'll talk."
"For real?"
Eve blinked the sweat from her eyes and nodded an affirmative.
He flicked at the remote in his hand and the machine thrummed to a stop. He pulled out the slick dildo and Eve sighed with blessed relief.
Her ravaged cunt pulsated with ardent and decadent contractions that she feared may never cease.
"As far as I know. the plane is on the second biggest island. Gozo."
"Where precisely?"
Max untied Eve who got up gingerly and wobbled unsteadily on her weakened legs. She clamped both hands to her ravished pussy and quaked on her bare feet. The room spun around as she fought to focus her eyes.
"Don't know. It's all on a need to know basis. The only one who knows is Osa. On Gozo."
'No. The new Osa."
Max rubbed his chin as he retrieved some items from a suitcase.
"Right. Now. Please open your legs for me."
Osa was surprisingly captivated by her first visit to Malta. The crowded capital of Valetta was bursting with life, and she enjoyed her first stroll in the city, walking past the numerous restaurants and bars. The lithe and supple female had an apartment booked under her pseudonym of Oso Foxxy. Her porn name. The weather was excellent and the nearby boats and coastal landscape provided a breathtaking scene.
After two days here, she took the bus and ferry to the small island of Gozo.
It was a contrast to Valetta, more tranquil and had a less touristy environment.
Osa arrived in Victoria which is situated on a hill in the centre of the rural island. After reading her brief back in Abuja, Osa understood that the top secret fighter jet was hidden from plain sight in the north zone on the salt pans.
"Enjoy your stay, Miss Foxxy."
"Thank you, I shall."
Osa checked in at the Duke Boutique Hotel in the heart of Victoria.
A valet took her bags to a luxurious, but discreet suite at the back of the hotel.
The hotel boasted of it's comfortable beds, air conditioning and heating, and welcome sound proofing.
The bathroom featured rain shower heads, complimentary toiletries and amenities.
She visited the seafood diner next door where she ordered the mixed shellfish marinara, consisting of mussels, prawns, and calamari cooked in white wine.
When she returned to the room she decided to take a shower and turn in. The next day would be her first look at the invisible air plane.
Twelve hours later.
Eve and Osa were tied back to back in two chairs. Osa tested the restraints to no avail.
"Ready to talk?"
"Yes. Shove it your stinking asshole!"
"Wrong answer. Look, I don't want to hurt either of you, but you need to start talking. And fast."
"Got nothing to say."
"Very well. Have it your own way. Now. Where shall I start?"
Osa glared at him as he bent down and dipped a fat digit inside her snatch. She sat straight backed and emitted a soft groan as he probed her cunt for a good minute.
"Nice and tight."
"So, you're the new Agent O. Got the same gall as your predecessor. You lack the balls by the way."
Osa gave him a steely look as he licked his finger, nice and slow. From behind his back he manhandled a thin, black paddle. Made of leather, it was twelve inches long with a six inch padded handle.
He turned away and then back again as he brought it down hard between her parted thighs and directly on her exposed pussy.
Eve felt her shudder behind her back as Osa strained in her seat.
Two more shattering blows rained down onto the tops of her thighs which quivered and trembled from the resounding contact. Her bottom ground to and fro in the seat as her firm buttocks tensed and relaxed alternatively.
"To talk?"
Three overlapping blows met her reddening mound and the black skinned beauty curled her toes and clenched her fists.
Max cupped her smarting pussy and nodded.
"Feels mighty hot down there."
A second whack smacked against her bald muff and Osa winced from the residual shock.
The paddle came down across her tits next with near perfect strikes on her erect nipples.
Osa shrieked as the paddle smacked on the soft skin of her inner thighs, before aiming for that proffered target of her pink slit.
Not for nothing had Osa been considered the best agent to fill the shoes of her predecessor. Her superior fighting skills, clear head, tip-top physical condition, were all factors in her earning her license to kill.
Fearless as she was, she wondered if her training would allow for this sordid abuse.
"You dickless wonder! That all you got?"
Osa twisted and grit her teeth with every stinging blow that cracked on her tits, which became two reddened points on her chest
Eve felt tears in her eyes as she imagined what her partner was having to endure.
Osa panted hard, her superb midnight black form now soaked in sweat.
She looked at Max who had his arm up high with the hideous instrument primed for more beatings.
"Okay. You win."
Osa dug her nails into her palms and hissed.
"The air plane is hidden about fifteen miles north in the salt pans. There, you'll find a specially prepared retractable hanger inside of which is the Black Vulture. Now let us go."
"There. Now was that worth all the hassle? I'll let you live, this time. But you both stay tied. Well. Sorry to love you and leave you, but I'm on a tight schedule. Until the next time, lovely ladies."
With that cheerful note Max left, leaving the two secret agents in limbo, slumped back to back.
"Are your nails prepared, Eve?"
"Yes they are."
"Good, go to work."
Both female agents had been issued by HQ with the latest in a chemical mixture concealed under their false fingernails. They both clawed at their binds and gradually the resulting reaction of the chemical on the cords dissolved them enough for the heroic pair to break free.
"You okay?" Eve considered her pussy which had undergone so much in recent hours.
"Could be worse." She answered.
"Shit!" Exclaimed Osa. "I broke a nail."
"Is that all? He just spanked your fucking pussy! And mine won't close up properly. And you're pissed off about a nail?"
"Come on! My car is outside."
"Shouldn't we get dressed first?"
"No time! Let's go!"
The bared beauties raced out into the street, passing bemused citizens and made for Osa's special company car.
Eve felt the warmth of the Maltese sun on her bare skin and flexed her aching muscles.
"Get in."
Both women jumped in as Osa hit the ignition and they sped off with that visceral Aston Martin roar.
They were seated in the latest model Aston Martin Vantage. An agile vehicle, it had a 4.0 litre twin turbocharged V8 engine that was capable of going from 0-60 mph in 3.6 seconds.
"HQ had it shipped from Station I."
"Exactly. It has guided attack missiles, wheel mounted lasers, tire slashers, and a self destruct capability."
"It's a bit harsh on a bare bottom."
Osa flashed Eve a look as she squirmed in her seat.
"You want to try and step on the pedals in bare feet. It ain't easy."
They sped along the old bumpy roads, past the green landscape, toward the sea with the red sand beach.
The road became steeper as they neared the sea, and after another ten minutes Eve sighted the salt pans. Those reddish hued unique structures formed from the coarse sea salt.
"There he is!"
The secluded area showed no signs of tourists or other signs of life as Osa pulled up.
Max's car had just pulled up outside a make shift aircraft hanger.
The twenty metre wide hanger was a lightweight affair with a galvanized steel tube frame and a four panel sliding door made of steel. The whole thing was secured to the ground by plated anchors.
"Grab a gun."
Osa pressed a button on the digital dashboard and a padded cushion flipped up to reveal a number of firearms.
They each took a pistol and leapt out of the Aston Martin.
"Where are the ones stationed to guard the place? Oh."
Eve saw two bodies lying by the open entrance of the hanger.
"The fucking plane ain't in there!"
Max drew his Glock 19 and waved it in a very non friendly manner.
"Is it somewhere else?" Asked Eve of Osa.
"It's there, just cloaked."
Eve and Osa cautiously took up a position on either side of him, both starkers, and with weapons pointed at him in a like manner. Their feet were planted slightly wider than shoulder width so that Max felt his eyes lower just that much to leer between their splayed thighs.
"Give it up, Max. You're outnumbered two to one."
"Nuts! YOU two stand down!"
He inclined his head and gave both lithe women a once over. From their curvy tits to their plump pussies.
"Drop the weapon!" Yelled Osa with legs braced.
Max hesitated, his face moving from one to the other.
Eve dug her toes in the red sand beneath her feet and tightened her grip on the Walther PPK. Her heart thumped in her chest as they assumed a Mexican shoot-out stance.
"I'm not going to ask you again."
"Fuck you!"
The sound of gun fire peppered the air as the Mexican shoot-out came to a climax. It lasted less than three seconds and then there came a deathly silence.
#story #action #agent #ebony #interracial #dildo #fuckmachine

NastyGyyal posted on Natalie-tenderness's XStream

Hi Natalie, my Friend 👋

Have a good weekend girl, and have fun 😉

#childhoodheroesandprincess #Hentai #dildo

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